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Shopping Tracker API reference

Create events

This endpoint receives a list of events and registers them as tracking data.

Endpoint: POST

Path parameters

Assistant ID

Identifier of your #CBK Assistant

More details: Assistant ID

Content Type



Tracking ID

A unique identifier, that identifies a specific user globally.

We recommend using a prefix like a company name to avoid conflict.

Sending events without trackingId is allowed. But, since this is used to make a session to track users’ behavior, it is strongly recommended to send this value. Event data without trackingId may not be used when analyzing.


Name for separating tracking data.

More details: Namespace

List of events

Actual tracking events.

More details: How to make an event object

Example request with curl

Prepare a variable and a payload.

$ ASSISTANT_ID=<Your #CBK assistant ID>
$ cat <<PAYLOAD > events.json
  "events": [
      "productId": "product-1",
      "type": "impression"
      "productId": "product-2",
      "type": "impression"
  "namespace": "website1-tracking",
  "trackingId": "mycompany/ef5553d9-f5a2-42cb-99dd-26d769f00657"

Send the payload to the endpoint

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"${ASSISTANT_ID}.json --data @events.json
